Day Training

Designed for the busy client who wants a well-trained dog!
Initial Consultation: A ninety minute meeting so we can get to know each other and your pup.
We will make sure Day Training is the right option for you and your dog. We will also agree on reasonable training goals and management measures to facilitate the training process. You will learn some training exercises to get on your way to a rewarding and positive relationship. We will explain how we train and what you can expect from your dog throughout the course of the Day Training program.
Four weeks of Day Training: Twice a week one of our professional trainers will work one on one with your pup for 45 minute sessions and once a week your family will work with our trainer and your dog to transfer what your pup has learned. You will be responsible to make sure your pup’s new skills “stick. ”That old saying “use it or lose it” applies to dog training too!
Em-Bark Puppy/Elements. Getting out and training your dog in a group setting is a good way to help generalize the training and new skills you and your pup have acquired. Once you get started you move through classes at your own pace.
The cost of Day Training is $1550.00 – $2550.00 (depending on location, number of daysand behavior issues).
One version of Day Training with Muttassori (this will be modified for each individual dog’s needs and can be done with or without Muttassori)
One on one consult (90 minutes) usually in your home
Week 1 (in your home)
2- 45 minute sessions training
1 –one hour session transfer with you and pup (Usually 2-3 days off before next week)
Week 2 (in your home & out and about)
2- 45 minute sessions training
1- Hour session transfer with you and pup
Usually skip a week between week 2 & 3 and have you bring pup to EmBark Puppy or Elements class
Week 3 @ Unleashed
2 -days Muttassori (Drop off around 12 or 1 and pick up around 2-3) this can be modified if you do not want to them come over to Muttassori or Muttassori is not an best option for working on their behavior
1- Hour session transfer with you and pup
Usually skip a week between week 3 & 4 and have you bring your pup to Embark or Elements group class. We would touch base this week and see if we want to do week 4 in your home or out and about.
Week 4 (in your home & out and about)
2- hour sessions training
1- Hour session transfer with you and pup